Summer may be gone taking sun damage and dryness with it, but Winter has it's own set of problems. During the winter months your hair will have a harder time retaining moisture, making it brittle, weak and prone to damage and frizz. Having the right hair care routine this Winter will help you make it through this season with ease. See my tips below.
1. Control Dry and Flaky Scalp
You will need to exfoliate your scalp like you would the skin on your face. We offer a Specialty Treatment called Champagne Party that will get rid of dry and flaky skin leaving you with a rejuvenated scalp.
2. Control Frizz
To control frizz you will need to do a combination of things:
A) Use a Boar Hair brush when de-tangling and styling your hair. Before bed use an oil combination or serum like my Ruby's Roots Revive Me to brush in moisture making sure it reaches your follicles to help with circulation.
B) Get a Raw Honey and Lemon Deep Condition or Bentonite Clay Mask. (This service is offered at the salon). After Shampooing Apply Raw Honey and Lemon on your hair, cover with a cap or towel and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Honey is a natural humectant that seals moisture and helps restore shine.
3. Maintain Moisture and Hydration
The best way to retain Moisture and Hydration is to receive Steam Hydration Therapy Treatment Steam Therapy allow for ultimate penetration of the cuticle, leaving it open to receive and maintain moisture throughout the shaft of the hair. Consult with your stylist on the right combination for your hair and scalp to ensure this service gives you maximum benefits.
It is vital that during this time you get your hair trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks. Your hair is at it's most fragile state during the winter. Aside for your hair being brittle it can cause the worst split ends. If not treated and taken care of in time it will cause irreparable damage.
